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A robotics competition where teams build and battle their own robots in an arena.
500 / 850 | 59% filled
Lecture Series
Renowned speakers and experts deliver talks and presentations on technologies.
650 / 850 | 76% filled
Startup Expo
A platform for startups to showcase their fresh ideas & products to investors.
600 / 850 | 71% filled
A coding competition where participants solve problems within a specified time.
850 / 850 | 100% filled
Bridge Design
Participants build bridges using materials to test their load-bearing capacity.
550 / 850 | 65% filled
A brainstorm that challenges programming skills & problem-solving abilities.
782 / 850 | 92% filled
Industry Professionals conduct workshops and deliver talks on new technologies.
850 / 850 | 100% filled
An app development contest where participants create innovative applications.
680 / 850 | 80% filled
Tech Talks
Esteemed speakers and entrepreneurs deliver talks on Tech Industry.
650 / 850 | 76% filled